Albert Hofmannwas born in 1906. Graduates from the University of Zurich in 1927, joins Sandoz Pharmaceuticals as a research chemist. Begins to study ergot, a particular type of rye fungus, Claviceps Purpureathought to be responsible for the extreme ecstasies and agonies of St. Vitus Dance and St. Anthony's Fire or "dry gangrene". In 1938 synthesizes the 25th derivative of lysergic acid. Tested on mice to no noticeable effect. April 16, 1943Hofmann repeats synthesis. Accidentally doses himself, in an historicevent now celebrated as Bicycle Day.Describes this "an uninterrupted stream of fantastic images ofextraordinary plasticity and vividness and accompanied by an intensekaleidoscopic play of colors." April 19, at 4:20 p.m., Hofmann dissolves 250 micrograms of LSD-25 in a glass of water. A little after 5:00, feeling intensely strange, he decides to go home, and makes one of the most famous bicycle rides in history. The world begins to restructure. In 1958 he isolates and synthesizes the active principles in Teonanacatl, the hallucinogenic Mexican mushrooms: psilocybineand psilocine. He also discovers the hallucinogenic principlesof Ololiuqui (Morning Glory), lysergic acid amide and lysergicacid hydroxyethylamide.
In the mid-70's, along with R Gordon Wasson, Hofmann suggests that primal societies and the ancient Greekshad discovered methods by which to isolate LSD, and other entheogens , from ergots. In 1988, the Albert Hofmann Foundationis founded "to assemble and maintain an international libraryand archive devoted to the study of human consciousness and related fields." Other Links
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Author: Bonesy Jones
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