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William S Burroughs
Biographical NotesWilliam Seward Burroughs IIwas born 5 February 1914, in St. Louis, Missouri, into a world of relative wealth and comfortfrom the profits of the Burroughs Adding Machine Corporation. His grandfather, after whom he was named, was the inventor of the addingmachine.
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At 8 years of age, uses his first gun, writes first story, "The Autobiography of a Wolf." Refuses editorial advice of parents tochange autobiography to biography. When Burroughs is 13, he discovers the autobiography of Jack Black, You Can't Win, and becomes enamored of the outlaw, undergroundlifestyle. Black introduces him to the idea of the being a member of the Johnson Family. First published in the John Burroughs Reviewin 1929. A short essay entitled "Personal Magnetism". He considers it an early attemptat debunking control systems. Sent to Los Alamos Boys School in New Mexico. Later claims the only thing he learned there was a hatred of horses. He is graduated from Harvardin 1936. In New York, 1939, cuts off left little finger. Shows it to his analystat the time, who takes him to Bellevue. Burroughs tells a psychiatrist there that he did as part of "an initiation ceremony into the Crow Indian tribe". In the Summer of 1942, moves to Chicago, takes job with A. J. Cohen, Exterminators. "I go into an apartment and I know where alltheroaches are," he later claims. Moves to New Yorkthe next year. Befriends Allen Ginsberg, Jack Kerouac, Lucien Carrand David Kammerer around this time. On 13 August 1944, Lucien Carr kills David Kammerer in self defense. Kerouac and Burroughs are arrested as material witnesses because theydid not initially report the murder. Later, they collaborate on a novelbased on the events, And the Hippos Were Boiled in their Tanks.It was rejected by several publishers at the time and has never been published. Burroughs meets Joan Vollmer. Along with Ginsberg and Kerouac, they begin experimenting with drugs and extreme behaviors. Meets Herbert Hunckearound this time. Kerouac introduces Joan to Benzedrineinhalers, towhich she soon becomes addicted. Sometime in 1946, Burroughs injects himself with a morphineSyrette. Discovers junk ecstasy, begins addiction. In the midst of junk despair,Burroughs has a vision of a cocktail waitress bringing him a skull on atray. "I don't want your fucking skull," he says. "Take it back!" Moves in with Joan, they become lovers. Joan tells him that he "makes love like a pimp." In April of 1946, Burroughs is arrested for obtaining narcotics through fraud. Joan is committed to Bellevuefor acute amphetamine psychosis. Burroughs attempts to rescue her from New York. William Burroughs IIIconceived. Convinces her to move to East Texas with him. Huncke eventually moves in with them. All three live in a small house near New Waverly, growingmarijuana and laying low. On 21 July 1947, William Burroughs III is born. Allen Ginsbergand Neal Cassadyvisit in August of 1947. The Burroughs' move to New Orleansin 1948. Kerouac and Cassady visit,as immortalized in On the Road. Burroughs is arrested in New Orleans for possession of drugs, elects not to stand trial, moves family to Mexico City in 1949. On Thursday the6th of September, 1951, at a desultory party, Burroughssuggests that he and Joan do their William Tell act. Joan balances a highball glass on her head, turns her head to one side, saying, "I can'twatch this- you know I can't stand the sight of blood." Burroughs shootsand hits Joan in the side of the head, killing her. Later he states: "I am forced to the appalling conclusion that I would never have become a writer but for Joan's death." Burroughs travels to Columbiain 1953 to find the entheogenicvine Yage, meets Richard Evans Schultes, who councils him about the plant. Writes to Ginsberg about hisexperiences, which are later published as The Yage Letters. In 1954, Burroughs moves to Tangiers, Morocco. Introduced to Paul Bowles. Meets Brion Gysin, who becomes a pivotal catalyst for Burroughs. Begins initial forays intounleashing his word hoard and deeper addictions to junk. Kerouac, Ginsberg and Peter Orlovskyvisit him in 1956. Kerouac helps Burroughs to organize the "routines" that would later become The Naked Lunch, the title from a suggestion of Kerouac's years before. Early in 1958, sick of Tangiers, he leaves to stay with Ginsberg in Paris. Meets Maurice Girodiasof Olympia Press, who decides to publish The Naked Lunchin 1959. Moves to Londonin 1960. Back in Tangiers in August of 1961, withGinsberg and others, meets Timothy Learywho gives them all mushrooms. Burroughs doesn't enjoy the experience,saying: "Urgent warning. I think I'll stay here in shriveling envelopesof larval flesh... One of the nastiest cases ever produced by this department." Writes prolifically and lives nomadically throughout 60's, returns to New York in 1974. He has not lived in the US for 24 years. Meets James Grauerholz, who becomes Burroughs' life manager, helping him to organize and publishhis writings. Burroughs' son, Billy, dies in a ditch after a hard and lonely life on 3 March 1981. Burroughs moves to Lawrence, Kansaswith Grauerholz. In May of 1982, Burroughs is inducted into the American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters. Died on 2 August 1997of a heart attack in Lawrence, Kansas. He was 83 years old.
Obituary Run Though the Cut-Up Machine Mixed with Naked Lunch
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Author: Bonesy Jones
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